Join us for this year’s Hike and Bike for Hospice of Waterloo Region!

Every September, hundreds of people lace up their hiking shoes, pump up their tires, and dress up their dog in a snazzy bandana.  All of this excitement builds up to the Hospice Waterloo Region annual Hike/Bike for Hospice.  Participants come together for fun, fresh air, fundraising for a great cause, and perhaps most important to honour the memory of their loved ones.

Hike and Bike for Hospice

Behind the scenes, staff and volunteers have worked for months to plan the annual Hike & Bike for Hospice. Building on a decade of previous hikes, they have had to change only one thing to maintain their recipe for success: everything!

Here’s what Melissa, our Fund Development & Events Coordinator, had to say:  “It seems really counter-intuitive, but with the pandemic still a reality, we’ve decided to throw out our own playbook and start over,” she said.  “For the first time, we’re offering a hybrid event. For the first time, the in-person portion will be starting at our brand new facility. Even the food, prizes and entertainment are going to be different this year.”

Hospice Waterloo Region is inviting participants to register online and either hold their own hike/bike virtually any time from August 23 to September 19, or hike in person at the new Gies Family Centre on September 19. We are committed to ensuring that participants and volunteers are kept safe.  Smaller groups will be starting their hike in timed departures for safety.

Please join us! 

Register online.

Come reconnect with friends and family outdoors, enjoy a beautiful walk on local trails, and support a vital local cause.

On the surface, this year’s event will be unique. What doesn’t change is the incredible spirit of the event. Our participants are committed and passionate about supporting a cause to ensure that everyone has the opportunity for a good life and a good death. This is an occasion where families can remember a loved one they have lost or where individuals can come together to raise funds so that all in the community have access to hospice services.

Judy Nairn

Executive Director, Hospice Waterloo Region

Last year the Covid-19 pandemic did not deter supporters and together we raised a record-breaking $40,000. Our goal this year is $60,000! Although some funding for programs is received from government, Hospice relies on donations and fundraising events to ensure that all services can be provided completely free of charge to people with a life-limiting illness and their loved ones.

Nelson Couto, our Communications Coordinator, points out that “The passion you see for hospice care in this region is unstoppable. We often hear from the people who’ve participated in our programs, or who have said goodbye to a loved one in our care, that the support they receive makes all the difference. A note we recently received said it perfectly: ‘It is wonderful to see how many people care about people they might not even know… like my mom and dad.’ That’s exactly why people support Hospice.”

We want to take this opportunity thank our community circle of caring for their support. All funds raised will go directly to supporting the programs and services provided by Hospice Waterloo Region in the community, at no charge to individuals, their families and caregivers

Have questions?

For more information or if you have questions, contact Melissa at [email protected]

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