“It’s about friendship, communication, having a laugh, and doing something together.”

Hospice care is focused on providing opportunities for quality of life for the patient and their family. This means offering support for everyone involved who is coping with advanced illness.
Each week, we welcome people to our Day Away Program at The Gies Family Centre in Waterloo and Langs Community Hub in Cambridge.
It is not just a “day away” for those who attend, but also for their caregivers. It connects people and gives them opportunities to stay engaged in the community, while providing precious respite time for family members.
Patrick Sharkey joined the group a few years ago, following the suggestion of a friend who volunteered at Hospice. Hesitant at first, Patrick has come regularly ever since.
“The day can be so lively… it’s about friendship, communication, having a laugh, and doing something together.”
Just as important, his family gets a much-needed break. His wife and son don’t have to worry about him for a few hours, and they notice a change in him at the end of the day.
“When I stay home, communication is so one-sided. I don’t have a story to tell. But on Tuesdays, I have a story to tell my family.”

Day Away Program is just one of the many services we can provide for individuals and their caregivers in the community, made possible by the generous support we receive.