Hospice Waterloo Region is proud to support Pride Month

Hospice Waterloo Region (HWR) is proud to support members of the LGBTQ2+ community with programs delivered through specially trained staff and volunteers that ensure proper end of life supports for Rainbow community members.
“We are an ally of the Rainbow Community. Two-Spirited, Intersexed, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer or Questions people (LGBTQ2+) and their families, friends, and allies are welcomed and supported by all staff and volunteers in our programs and services,” said Judy Nairn, Executive Director of HWR.
Since 2016, HWR has worked closely with Aging with Pride, SPECTRUM – Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space, and other community members in supporting the end of life journey of those whose experiences can be challenging because of who they are as people.
In 2020, HWR achieved a Positive Space designation. A Positive Space refers to an organization that is open and welcoming, equitable and accessible, respecting the dignity of individuals regardless of their gender identity, gender expression, and sexual preference of all clients, employees, and other stakeholders.
“In our mission to support the development of a compassionate caring community, we are committed to be a space where human rights are respected,” said Nairn. “Through on-going education and review of our policies and practices, Hospice has created an environment that recognizes the dignity and worth of each person.”
In the past several years, 230 volunteers, all board members, and all staff have completed “Positive Space” Awareness training. All Hospice policies and processes were reviewed and updated to reflect and include sexual and gender identity protection against discrimination and harassment. And, in partnership with SPECTRUM, Aging With Pride, and community partners, a Positive Space Statement has been created. The statement acknowledges Hospice’s belief that diversity and inclusion, as expressed within a Positive Space, are essential in addressing the holistic needs of our community in the work of supporting all people at end of life.
About Hospice Waterloo Region

Hospice Waterloo Region is a charitable organization providing comfort, care and support at no charge to those affected by a life-threatening illness.
The vision is for a community where no one experiences an end of life journey alone. Our services are provided by professional staff and specially trained volunteers in home, hospital, long-term care facilities and at our residence at The Gies Family Centre.