April 2, 2024, is National Caregiver Day, which is a day to recognize the significant contributions of the caregivers in our lives, who sacrifice their time and energy to support loved ones. The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association calls them “the invisible health partners in our lives.”
To mark the day, we thought we would share some resources to help support caregivers.
Resources at Hospice of Waterloo Region
At Hospice Waterloo Region, we know how difficult the caregiver journey can be and we can provide support and resources to journey with you.
Caring for someone at home can be an overwhelming experience. Self care for caregivers is an important part of ensuring the best care for your family member. Respite services can provide you with a time for regular chores, errands, or self care while providing the assurance that your family member has knowledgeable and trained support available.
All of our programs and services are offered free of charge to our clients and their families.
ONE-TO-ONE VISITING TO PROVIDE RESPITE: Your loved one can be matched one on one with a highly trained volunteer, allowing you a period of rest.
PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLING SERVICES: For individuals and their family members coping with the affects of a life threatening-illness.
COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES: We also offer a number of complementary therapies for caregivers, including massage, therapeutic touch, reflexology, and reiki for those who would like help managing stress and anxiety, and increase their sense of well-being. These are all available free of charge.
HAIR SALON SERVICES: Volunteer hairstylists provide a wash, cut and style for clients and their caregivers in the privacy of our hair salon at the Gies Family Centre. Call for an appointment.
GROUPS FOR CAREGIVERS: For friends and relatives to meet and talk with others about supporting someone with a life threatening-illness.

Government Resources
Ontario Caregiver Helpline: Call 1-833-416-2273 (CARE)
Learn More About Hospice Programs
Do you have questions about Hospice of Waterloo Region, or our programs and services? Please contact us. We’d be happy to speak with you.